Here goes nothin!

I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a blog for a while now but I am, quite honestly, not confident I have the skills to do it.  I’ve read many articles about blogging and ‘how to be successful’ but what it really boils down to is if you have something to say that people want to hear.  It’s not even about being successful for me, it’s about relating to people. I love nothing more than to read articles online that are the same or similar life experiences as something in my life, or parts of my life.  I instantly want to get in my car, find that person and sit down over coffee, or a bottle of red wine, and just blab about things we have in common.

I am a wife and mom of three children under the age of 5 with a 170lb dog, a cat who is half wild and my husband and I are self-employed, together.  I think it goes without saying that we’re busy.  Ha, I can’t even imagine what life will be like in a few years if our kids start joining teams and activities.  But for now, we as a family, spend a lot of time together and my husband and I spend almost ALL of our time together.  Some couples may cringe at the thought of spending all day at work with your other half and then every morning/night at home with them, but we love it and we make it work, and I think we make it work well. 

My husband is hands down, the greatest.  I don’t know how I got so lucky but I sure must have done some good in my life to stumble upon him.  He works tirelessly for our family, at work and at home.  He is the greatest Dad and husband, head chef extraordinaire and master of all landscapers, he takes the maintenance of our (I feel like I should call it his) lawn more seriously than the average person takes care of themselves – I’ll show you one day!  We’ll get into the nitty gritty details of his life in the coming posts but for now just know that he’s the best and we consider him “the glue” – his self proclaimed title. 😉

My daughter, whom is the oldest, will be five in October.  She is heading into SK this year, I seriously can’t believe it and I don’t know where the time has gone?  I swear I was picking out her outfits just yesterday with no fuss and now all of a sudden she’s having melt downs because the outfit I chose isn’t ‘cute’ enough. Ugh, the tough life of young child.  She’s a happy, chatty and strong willed young lady, not sure where she got that from? 🙂

My son, who will be three in January, is in the midst of potty training, enough said.  People always say that boys take longer, I can tell you right now, that is 110% TRUE in the case of my son.  If he is out doing anything at all that gives him joy, ie., cutting grass, playing in the sandbox, playing with my husband’s tools (#1 parents right here for allowing this) or playing with ‘diggers and dozers’, he will pee or poop in that pull-up until it’s so soiled it’s dragging on the ground rather than come in to tell someone that he needs to use the potty.  But, he’s the sweetest, cuddliest little boy at the end of it all.  By the way, my daughter was fully trained at 18 months, needless to say we had high expectations for him.

My other son who just turned one year old a week ago is the chubbiest, cheeriest little guy.  He is working on walking these days but hasn’t quite grasped it yet.  I think being the youngest he is naturally very laid back and he’s a champ at everything – eating, sleeping, bathing, playing it cool, you name it.  He has 8 teeth and the other day he thought he was ready to try and eat a whole cashew – yikes.  I had a mini heart attack.

Our dog is a Saint Bernard who drools and sheds on everything – and everyone – (#dysonanimal for the win) and our cat sleeps by day and prowls our forest by night, and somehow has gone more than a year without being eaten by a coyote or fox.

Well, I hear voices calling for me, stay tuned for more insight to this chaotic clan and the ongoing of everyday mom hood!